PRE Geography Notes
1. भारत की भूगर्भिक संरचना
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 1 Feb, 2020
2. भारत के खनिज संसाधन
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 1 Feb, 2020
3. भारत में कृषि
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 7 Feb, 2020
4. भारत में परिवहन
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 8 Feb, 2020
5. उत्तरी अमेरिका
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 21 March, 2020
6. दक्षिण अमेरिका
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 21 March, 2020
7. अफ्रीका
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 28 May, 2020
8. यूरोप महाद्वीप
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 29 May, 2020
9. ऑस्ट्रेलिया महाद्वीप
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 31 May, 2020
10. एशिया महाद्वीप
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 02 June, 2020
11. भारत का परिचय
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 06 June, 2020
12. भारत की भू-आकृतिक प्रदेश
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 17 June, 2020
13. अपवाह तंत्र
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 17 June, 2020
14. भारत की जलवायु
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 18 June, 2020
15. भारत की मिट्टियाँ
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 18 June, 2020
16. भारत की वनस्पतियाँ
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 20 June, 2020
17. जलमण्डल
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 29 June, 2020
18. वायुमण्डल
Prelims Geography Notes | by Target with Alok | on 15 July, 2020