SUP Maths Notes
Maths | by Target with Alok | on 25 June, 2020
2. Simple and Compound Interest Practice sheet
Maths | by Target with Alok | on 25 June, 2020
3. PARTNARSHIP (Practice Sheet)
Maths | by Target with Alok | on 17 July, 2020
4. Average hand written notes
Maths | by Target with Alok | on 17 July, 2020
5. Average Practice Sheet
Maths | by Target with Alok | on 17 July, 2020
6. LCM & HCF Practice Sheet
Maths | by Target with Alok | on 27 July, 2020
7. Work and Time Handwritten Notes
Maths | by Target with Alok | on 23 Sep, 2020
8. Work & Time Practice Sheet
Maths | by Target with Alok | on 23 Sep, 2020